Henry has never been a biter. He's never gone through a biting stage. But, for some unknown reason, this morning he decided to sink his teeht right into the tender part on the back of my arm. OUCH! I wonder so often what this kid is thinking. He is always going 90 to nothing, full throtle until he crashes for bed. I hope it's just a 3 y/o thing and that this too shall pass. I see plenty of other 3 y/o though, and most of them don't have near the same energy level and don't exhert theirselves physically the way Henry does. He is truly one of a kind. Lucky me. (Do you feel the sarcasm coming off of that one?) I mean, don't get me wrong, I do feel beyond lucky to have him (and no less lucky to have Luke) but he is suuuuch a handful. Sometimes I just wish I had a timecard to punch and say, "Ok, I'm off now!" But motherhood doesn't work that way does it. Men don't realize how lucky THEY are to actually have a workplae to go to... and a workplace to leave from! And I know just how lucky I am that I get to spend every day with my boys, no matter how tiring, no matter how taxing, no matter how hard.... it's a blessing I'm thankful for beyond measure. :)
It Has Been Awhile Since I Posted A Blog Article
5 years ago
Oh my precious friend, we definitly have a lot in common! LOL! Caleb is one of the most wild boys I have ever seen! He doesn't stop EVER hehe! Sometimes I want to pull my hair out, but they are so sweet. He has more mean times than sweet times, but those not so often moments when he comes and snuggles in my lap makes me feel like the luckiest mom in the world! Love you!
Motherhood really is one of the toughest jobs, especially when you're trying to do it right. Putting enough love and discipline and fun and seriousness and everything else that goes in the mix and praying for a good balance. Whew, it tires me just remembering back when. It's tough, but also the most awesome job the Lord has given us the privilege of having. The hugs and kiss, the I love you's, a little hand touching your face, to hear laughter of the still young voices.....Oh how sometimes I really miss those days (not necessarily the exhaustion). But it's true what people say, you will blink and one day they will be all grown up. It seems like no time at all when your Mom and I would get together with you kids. Those were good days. Treasure them young Moms for they will surely pass quickly. And keep writing about the daily events. I'm sure it encourages other young Moms, and it makes us older smile at the memories.
Love you,
Ms. Dee
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