Today has another crazy day in our house. I swear, there has been so much going on that I won't have a single new thing to blog about after next week. Now onto the news.
Many of you know that there has been talk of a possible promotion for Alex for a few months now. Today was the BIG day and the regional manager was in Alex's office. Everything went great, she was super nice, and they accepted his salary requirements. ACK! Do you KNOW what that means???? WE ARE MOVING! To Peoria, IL to be exact. Another ACK. I've never been to Peoria... actually none of us have.
It's exciting, because Alex and I have always wanted to get out of Alabama, but at the same time it's scary. There are sooo many things going through my head right now.
Better schools for the boys
Actual seasons, not just summer and not so much summer
A fresh start
Less racial tension (Alabama teems with it)
Closer to some friends and family
I will be forced to socialize or I will be completley alone... surrounded by testosterone
Better pay
Far far away from my family here
Less big family holidays
Completley new area that I know zip about
Boys will grow up without family close by
Luke's first birthday will be celebrated w/o his Nana and Papa
We're moving.... AGAIN
See why I don't know how to feel? I'm accepting it, and I'm honestly a little excited. But how can I not be apprehensive.
Today is also a big day in that Luke is 10 months old today. TEN MONTHS! That means that his first birthday is 2 months away. That is not possible. THAT I cannot accept. :P
1 Comment:
I am very happy for you and Alex. I know this will a wonderful opportunity for you guys. But I will miss you very much!! I just want you to know that you are one of my dearest friends and I love you. I will be praying for you and your family.
P.S. What about HANSON?!!!! LOL
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