Saturday, August 30, 2008

My First Mobile Blog

The boys and I are spending our first night in our new temporary home... my mama's house. All 3 of us will be sharing a bedroom for the next 6 weeks and tonight both boys are sick. Yay. Can't you feel my enthusiasm?
I'm currently sitting on the couch in the dark, trying to be as quiet as a mouse, waiting to turn a quarter of a century old. 16 minutes and counting. Who would've known that this benchmark birthday would be bring myself and my family such huge changes. I am back living with my parents and although its temporary, I haven't lived here in 6 years and, honestly, never thought I would need to come back. I will soon be digging up what few family roots we have laid here and will be moving my family halfway across the country to a state that is all but foreign and to a town I have never seen. That a lot for a girl to handle. But, hey, I'm almost 25 so I guess its about time to pull out the big girl panties, right? Even still, everyone pray for my family and I, that God quickly leads us into what he has planned for us in Illinois.
BTW, can anyone tell me if it's il-uh-NOYS or il-uh-NOY? I've been obsessing over this, and a little paranoid that we will be banished as outsiders if we get it wrong. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a tad, but you get the picture.
So I'll end this blog with a simple Happy Birthday to me. It's midnight and I'm 25! Night!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today is Blogging Lite

Lots of packing still and time's tickin'. The house is starting to resemble one that's ready to move though. YAY!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Moving... continued

Hi everybody. It's monday. Yesterday was church, which was nice, although the pastor did ask me to sing about 5 minutes before service and I was sooo thrown!

Today has been another crazy hectic day getting ready to move. First thing this morning I ran to the bank and while I was in line Alex called me with an update from his new regional manager. What we thought would be 2-4 weeks of training has now turned into 6 weeks. 4 weeks in Peoria and 2 weeks in Atlanta. I was really worried at first that we wouldn't see him for the first whole month because they are flying him up there and then renting him a car, but they are flying him back to Alabama almost every weekend!!

I did some mad hunting for boxes today and finally lucked out at Dollar General. They're almost all pack already and somehow my house still looks the same. BLUSH! Anyone have an itch pack? Come to my house and scratch it! I feel sort of stuck too because we need things for my mom's, Alex needs things for his trip, I still have to cook all week, we still have to wear clothes this week. Woo... we have alot of stuff.

Once again I am pulled away from happy blogging by a baby crying "mama" in his crib. For real though, the packing offer still stands. Any takers?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Saturday!

The weekend is in full swing and I'm wondering if everyone else is feeling as scatterbrained as I am. So much to do, so little time... that's all I can seem to think. Lucky for me, I work well under pressure. Tomorrow we are picking up about 100 boxes from Alex's brother, and Monday packing will be in FULL FORCE! It's going well so far. I'm sorting through our things, trying to weed out what we don't need/use/want. We have quite a few big items that we are donating, which will help to cut down on storage costs and time spent moving.

I don't think I mentioned it before, but, the boys and I will be staying with my mom while Alex is finishing his training. He will be in Atlanta for 2 weeks and then in Peoria for 2 weeks, so rather than being an hour away from anyone and alone with the boys for a month, we're going to be staying with her. Hopefully we won't be too big of an imposition. ;)

Well, Luke is awake and crying for "mama". Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ahhh, peace.

At this very moment both of my angelic boys are sleeping. Why are they angelic, you might ask? Because they are asleep!!! Duh! Can't you read?!?! hehe

Anyhow, I've already commenced packing and it's going well. So far it's mostly just toys and nick nacks, but hey, it's a start, right? It all still feels unreal. I even had a moment today where I was expecting a phone call from Alex saying,"Nope, sorry, we're not going." It's not that I want that to happen, it's just that this is all very very surreal. The only place I can remember living is Alabama. And now, not only will I not be in Alabama, I'll be a completley different part of the country. Whew.... intimidating! I'm already hearing wonderful things about the area though, and we've seen some really lovely houses online for decent prices. So, I'm just trusting God and letting happen what will happen.

I'm off to enjoy my quiet. I hope you're having a great day.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things are about to change!

Today has another crazy day in our house. I swear, there has been so much going on that I won't have a single new thing to blog about after next week. Now onto the news.

Many of you know that there has been talk of a possible promotion for Alex for a few months now. Today was the BIG day and the regional manager was in Alex's office. Everything went great, she was super nice, and they accepted his salary requirements. ACK! Do you KNOW what that means???? WE ARE MOVING! To Peoria, IL to be exact. Another ACK. I've never been to Peoria... actually none of us have.

It's exciting, because Alex and I have always wanted to get out of Alabama, but at the same time it's scary. There are sooo many things going through my head right now.


Better schools for the boys

Actual seasons, not just summer and not so much summer

A fresh start

Less racial tension (Alabama teems with it)

Closer to some friends and family

I will be forced to socialize or I will be completley alone... surrounded by testosterone

Better pay


Far far away from my family here

Less big family holidays

Completley new area that I know zip about

Boys will grow up without family close by

Luke's first birthday will be celebrated w/o his Nana and Papa

We're moving.... AGAIN

See why I don't know how to feel? I'm accepting it, and I'm honestly a little excited. But how can I not be apprehensive.

Today is also a big day in that Luke is 10 months old today. TEN MONTHS! That means that his first birthday is 2 months away. That is not possible. THAT I cannot accept. :P

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jumping on the bandwagon!

Well, it appears everyone else on the internet is blogging soooo that means I have to too right? Right. My life is pretty run of the mill so I don't know how interesting everything will be, but I'll do my best to spice it up without making the fish too big. ;)

So today has already started off trippy. Alex brings Luke in to me every morning so that I can nurse him, only this morning he also brought the new that he hadn't been paid. WUUUUT?! He immediatley starts calling everyone, but they're all slackers and it was only 7am so no one answered their phone. He went into work early and got the go ahead to call payroll and was told there had been an error and he was the only one who hadn't been paid. Nice, right? Apparently someone else's paperwork was attached to Alex's and his paycheck went into someone else's account. Whoops! Hopefully we will hear back in a hour that the money is in our account and all will be right with the world.

That's all for now as I have Henry asking, "Can I pick you up?".

My First Mobile Blog

The boys and I are spending our first night in our new temporary home... my mama's house. All 3 of us will be sharing a bedroom for the next 6 weeks and tonight both boys are sick. Yay. Can't you feel my enthusiasm?
I'm currently sitting on the couch in the dark, trying to be as quiet as a mouse, waiting to turn a quarter of a century old. 16 minutes and counting. Who would've known that this benchmark birthday would be bring myself and my family such huge changes. I am back living with my parents and although its temporary, I haven't lived here in 6 years and, honestly, never thought I would need to come back. I will soon be digging up what few family roots we have laid here and will be moving my family halfway across the country to a state that is all but foreign and to a town I have never seen. That a lot for a girl to handle. But, hey, I'm almost 25 so I guess its about time to pull out the big girl panties, right? Even still, everyone pray for my family and I, that God quickly leads us into what he has planned for us in Illinois.
BTW, can anyone tell me if it's il-uh-NOYS or il-uh-NOY? I've been obsessing over this, and a little paranoid that we will be banished as outsiders if we get it wrong. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a tad, but you get the picture.
So I'll end this blog with a simple Happy Birthday to me. It's midnight and I'm 25! Night!